Ministry Directory

Catholic Bible Fellowship

This ministry is dedicated to deepening our understanding and love of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church through the study of His Word. We offer evening and morning sessions. Childcare is provided at the morning session.

Our study materials are written by leading Catholic scripture scholars and are faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church. We gather to share personal insights, receive DVD teachings on the lesson material by Catholic priests, as well as pray and fellowship together.

All are welcome: Those new to Bible study or veterans of the Word. Join us as we allow God’s Word to take root within us and “be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Rom 12:2).

Bible Fellowship 2024-2025

Registration forms:

Wednesday evening coordinator: Julie Romero - - 305-632-5698
Thursday morning coordinator: Lisa Dohmen - - 305-301-3320
Men’s Monday Morning Bible Study

The oldest Ministry at St. Louis Catholic Church is based on the fact that Scripture is “Living.” Monday Morning Bible Study is Stewardship in Ministries not exactly a “Study”, but more of a “Sharing”.

Consisting of about 25 regulars, each has a scheduled week to take the readings for the coming Sunday and do “research” from Catholic Commentaries about their meanings and history. After a brief lecture, the Men go around the table and each one shares how the readings touch them and apply either to their walk or their lives.

After hearing from 25 men, the Scripture often is much more meaningful leading to a deeper understanding for the Homily coming on Sunday. Low key, high Spirit, every week brings us closer to the Lord.


We welcome new members to the Church through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults called R.C.I.A. This program prepares them to receive the sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation on Easter Vigil. RCIA also serves baptized non Catholics who want to joint the Catholic Church as well as Catholic adults who never received First Communion or Confirmation.

Religious Education

Pre-School to Grade Six: The Religious Education Program is offered for children from preschool through sixth grade at various times during the week in the school year. Based on the premise that Jesus didn’t teach his disciples the beatitudes and did not begin preaching until they had first met Him and learned to love Him, the Religious Education Program has four fundamental goals:

  • (1) proclaim the message of Jesus Christ;
  • (2) contribute to the building of community;
  • (3) lead students to worship and prayer; and
  • (4) motivate them to serve others. Volunteers from the parish community provide the environment for the children to meet and love Jesus through preparing classes, helping with studentliturgies and various music and art projects.
Youth Ministry Edge (Grades 7 & 8)

Edge is St. Louis’ middle school youth ministry. The format follows cutting-edge youth ministry styles in order to meet the needs of the students.

The students experience a variety of activities designed to help them spiritually, socially, physically, and emotionally. Typical meetings include games, skits, music, talks, and small group discussions of the topic presented that night. Topics range from Catholic doctrine to spiritual and social issues relevant to a middle schooler’s life and development.

In addition to the weekly meetings are a wide variety of weekend social activities, service projects, and retreats. Students develop close friendships with their peers and leaders. It is through these relationships that we create a Christ centered community, fostering meaningful faith sharing and growth.

Youth Ministry New Life (Grades 9-12)

New Life is the youth ministry for high school students. Meetings consist of gathering, opening prayer, live music (Christian rock and praise music), student led skits, topic presentations, small group discussion time, and closing prayer.

Topics range from prayer to sexuality, all from the perspective of Catholic theology. Discussions go into further depth in our Bible studies, retreats and overnight Lock-Ins.

New Life also offers special activities, such as weekend and Spring Break retreats, summer trips, paintball games, Lock-Ins, etc. All activities are designed to foster exciting, faith filled growth.

Talleres de Oracion y Vida English

The Prayer and Life Workshops consist of 15 Sessions. These sessions include prayers, scripture readings, communal prayer, and our intimate sharing of thoughts and ideas with one another. We learn to pray by praying and it is through this discipline of prayer that we transform our lives. A new modality of prayer is learned every week, from the prayed prayer to the prayer of contemplation. These workshops are offered twice a year.

Educación Religiosa | Niños de primer grado hasta sexto grado

El programa de Educación Religiosa se ofrece a niños de 6 a 12 años de edad, durante ciertos domingos del año escolar.

Los niños se reúnen con catequistas voluntarios a las 6:00pm mientras los padres mantienen una clase simultánea para adultos. Ambos grupos participan junto al resto de la comunidad en la Misa de las 7:00 pm. La finalidad de este programa es preparar a los niños para los sacramentos de iniciación (Bautizo, Primera Comunión y Confirmación).

Jóvenes Adultos Grupo Amén 18-35

Este grupo de Jóvenes adultos se reúne todos los viernes en la noche para compartir las enseñanzas bíblicas, por medio de la discusión, en la mayoría de las veces con la ayuda de un moderador, esto les ayuda a crecer espiritualmente. Además tienen actividades sociales y hacen servicio a la comunidad.

R.I.C.A /Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos

Es un proceso para personas interesadas en aprender acerca de la Fe Católica, guiados por el Evangelio de Jesús y por el ejemplo de la comunidad. Este proceso esta diseñado para:

  • Adultos que NO han sido bautizados.
  • Adultos que NO han recibido el Sacramento de la Comunión o no han sido Confirmados.
  • Adultos Bautizados en otra fe.
Talleres de oracion y vida

Los Talleres de Oración y Vida consisten en 15 Sesiones. Estas sesiones incluyen oraciones, lecturas bíblicas, oración comunitaria y nuestro íntimo intercambio de pensamientos e ideas con los otros. Se aprende a orar, orando y es a través de esta disciplina de oración que transformamos nuestras vidas. Una nueva modalidad de oración se aprende cada semana, desde la oración rezada hasta la oración de contemplación. Estos talleres se ofrecen dos veces al año.

Temas Bíblicos

Están dedicados a profundizar y entender el amor de Dios y Jesucristo a través de su palabra en la Biblia. Todos están invitados a participar, sean personas nuevas al estudio de la Biblia, que quieran comenzar en este camino o para los que quieran profundizar o ampliar los conocimientos ya adquiridos.

Lo importante es no sólo aprender de la Biblia, sino aprender a vivirla en nuestro diario caminar. Se avisará con tiempo durante las misas dominicales las fechas exactas de inicio del estudio y los temas a tratar.


  • 2 lbs. ground turkey
  • 1 lb. elbow macaroni
  • (2) 8-oz. cans of pinto beans drained
  • (1) 8-oz. can diced tomatoes with green peppers
  • (1) 26-oz. jar 6-cheese tomato sauce 1 large onion, diced small
  • 4 cloves of garlic, minced
  • Olive oil
  • 2 tbsp. chili powder
  • 2 tbsp. of salt
  • 1 tbsp. ground black pepper


  1. In a pot of salted boiling water, cook macaroni al dente, which means 2 minutes less than package cooking instructions. Immediately rinse and drain cooked pasta in cold water and put aside.
  2. In a frying pan, brown the turkey over high heat with enough olive oil to coat the pan. Keep crumbling the turkey until all the redness is gone. Transfer to a bowl.
  3. In a frying pan with a little more olive oil sauté the onions and peppers until golden; add garlic until golden. Remove and place in the same bowl with the turkey.
  4. In a large pot stir in the beans, diced tomatoes, six-cheese tomato sauce, plus one jar of water from the tomato sauce jar. Add sautéed vegetables and turkey. Bring to a boil. Add chili powder and stir. Reduce heat to low and simmer 15 minutes stirring occasionally. Add 2 tbsp. of salt and 1 tbsp. of pepper. Add the cooked pasta to the mixture and transfer to the aluminum baking pan.
  5. See cooling and freezing directions.

According to Exodus in the Old Testament, God issued his own set of laws (the Ten Commandments).

The essence of the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit; Three Persons-One God.