This Week | Esta Semana

Bilingual Newsletter | Boletín bilingüe

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Prayer intention for the Universal Church for July 2024: For the pastoral prayer of the sick

Let us pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick grant the Lord’s strength to those who receive it and to their loved ones, and that it may become for everyone an ever more visible sign of compassion and hope.
Pope Francis - July 2024

Video in English | More information on


Intención de oración por la Iglesia universal para julio de 2024: Por el cuidado pastoral de los enfermos

Oremos para que el sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos dé a las personas que lo reciben y a sus seres queridos la fuerza del Señor, y se convierta cada vez más para todos en un signo visible de compasión y esperanza.
Papa Francisco – Julio 2024

Video en español | Más información sobre

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Jueves 1 de agosto de 2024 | 7:00 PM a 9:00 PM | Lecture Hall

Primer Jueves de cada Mes

Consejeras de Duelo
Isabel Baca (786) 564 0101
Luz Helena Arango (804) 938 4535

Thursday, May 18, 2023

July 27-28 & August 3-4, 2024

Backpacks will be collected and blessed at each mass

Donate a New Backpack filled with school supplies for Miami-Dade children.

  • Crayons
  • Markers
  • Pencils
  • Loose Leaf Paper
  • Ruler
  • Red, Blue, Black Pens
  • Expo Markers
  • Pocket Folders
  • Binders
  • Erasers
  • Pencil pouch
  • Notebook

Donations will benefit children from St. Louis, St. John Bosco, St. James, St. Michael, St. Ann Mission, & St. Monica.

Thank you for your generosity

Friday, March 17, 2023

Wednesday, August 7th
7:00 am to 9:00 am or 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm


If you need pans contact one of us.

Someone from the ministry will be at both drop off times to accept your FROZEN casserole, Please use the DEEP pan for this dish. Please mark the lid with your name and the name of the dish, Baked Chicken. If you are a student cooking for Camillus, we have your service letter at both drop off times.

Thank you for your continued support of our ministry for the poor in our community. Recipes are on the church’s website under the Ministries tab.

June England: (305)235-7257
Cecilia Prahl: (305)297-5821

Thursday, July 7, 2022

August 5-9 | 7:45 - 9:45 PM

Fr. Giuseppe Maria Sinischalchi, CFR

Praise and worship by:

  • Adore Praise and Worship
  • Child of God

Praise and Worship, Teaching, Healing Prayer, Eucharistic Adoration and Mass.

For info:

St. Louis Catholic Church - 7270 S.W 120th St. Pinecrest, FL 33156

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Jueves 8 de agosto | 7:30 PM
Aprender a orar para aprender a vivir

  • ¿Te gustaria profundizar en los caminos de la Fe?
  • ¿Tener una relación más íntima con nuestro señor?
  • ¿Aprender a dejar las tristezas, miedos y ansiedades atrás en el camino para avanzar resueltamente hacia la paz interior y la felicidad?

Este Taller es para Tí

Inscríbete hoy y por 15 sesiones vivirás una experiencia transformadora:

Guías Marco y Nohora
305-333-2293 / 305-747-5165

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Acompañamiento Espiritual
Fr. Gabriel Vigues & Fr. Francisco Hernandez


  • Madrid
  • Zaragoza
  • Lourdes
  • Barcelona
  • Montserrat
  • Valencia

Click Here

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Saturday, July 27th | 10:00 AM | Family Center

Saturday, August 10th | 10:00 AM | Assembly Hall

Thursday, August 29th | 7:30 PM | Assembly Hall

Friday, September 13th | 8:30 AM | Assembly Hall

Join SoulCore Leader, Ashley Marie Anduiza, to nourish body, mind & soul with SoulCore - a prayer experience that combines the prayers of the rosary with core strengthening, stretching and functional movement. No fitness level or experience required. All are welcome!

Wear comfortable clothing, bring a fitness mat and water | Sugested Donation: $10

RSVP/Contact Ashley at:

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Bible Fellowship 2024 - 2025 program

Sessions in person at the Assembly Hall and Zoom
7:00 PM - Starts September 18th
9:30 AM - Starts September 19th

Registration forms at the Parish office, Welcome Table and on the Ministries tab of STL WEB page.

Wednesdays evening - Julie Romero - 305-632-5698
Thursday morning - Lisa Dohmen - 305-301-3320

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Florida Bishops Oppose Extreme Abortion Amendment Vote NO on Amendment 4

Florida Amendment 4, which will appear on Florida’s November 2024 ballot, is an extreme proposal that legalizes full-term abortion with no protections for the preborn child, including when the child is capable of feeling pain.

This proposed amendment to our state constitution would prohibit all restrictions on abortion before viability and create a broad exception that any healthcare provider could exploit to allow abortion up to birth.

Click Here to read more.


Obispos de la Florida se Oponen a la Enmienda Extrema sobre el Aborto Voten No en la Enmienda 4

La Enmienda 4 de la Florida, que aparecerá en la papeleta electoral de la Florida en noviembre de 2024, es una propuesta extrema que legaliza el aborto a término sin ninguna protección para el niño antes de nacer, incluso cuando el niño es capaz de sentir dolor.

Esta propuesta para enmendar la constitución de nuestro estado prohibiría todas las restricciones al aborto antes de la viabilidad y crearía una amplia excepción que cualquier profesional de la salud podría aprovechar para permitir el aborto hasta el nacimiento.

Click Here to read more.

Friday, September 23, 2022

Saturday, July 27th | 6:30 PM

Saint Louis Catholic Church's Respect Life Ministry Invites you to a Holy Hour For Life

Presided by Deacon Jim Dugard

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

“Come and experience the journey to Emmaus as together we recognize the Lord Jesus in the Breaking of the Bread” from Luke 24:13-35

Saint Louis Men’s English Emmaus Retreat: September 6th - 8th, 2024

At MorningStar Renewal Center - For any questions, please contact:
Registration Form